ROBERTO studied Photography at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, and currently lives in East Los Angeles w Barkley the dog.  His photography work tends to focus on the people and culture in his corner of East Los Angeles, and his design work, originally image-based,  relies heavily on the iconography, color and texture of Chicanx Cultura to tell a story. 

If you'd like to work with Roberto,  or just want to say hello, feel free to send a message here, or to his alter-ego, @mrrobfree on social media.


Pomona Fairplex • Los Angeles Grand Performances • NextFest  • Central Avenue Jazz Festival • Hey Love Avenue • General Lee's • Council Member Curren D. Price Jr. • Symphonical Records • Beat Swapmeet • Sonido Del Valle Records 


Chevrolet • Smashbox • Cosmetics • USA Network • Converse • CVS • AT&T Ellen Von Unwerth • BBC • People • Magazine • Galerie Lafayette • Vogue Italia • Essence Magazine • Jimmy Choo • Nissan • Cosmopolitan • Getty Images • Herbalife • Sony Music • FHM Germany •Belkin •E! • Instyle • Direct TV • Palmers Austria • Budweiser • Ferrari • General Motors • Kolhs • Wolfgang Puck 

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